Thursday, February 21, 2008

Week 21

Went to the doc on Tuesday, this time I got it right. I’m notorious for showing up at the doc office on days I’m not scheduled…the hubby doesn’t really like it when I do that. Anyway…we got this one right. Finally got the report on the ultrasound, all is good and normal, measurements look great. We officially set the C-section date as June 18th and now I need to register at the hospital. Doc says I’m about four weeks away from feeling extremely tired and fatigued…really…is that just something that happens the entire pregnancy cause I haven’t really NOT been tired and fatigued…do you mean to tell me it is going to get worse? FINE! I’m done with this…next.

The hubby is going to Ve.gas this weekend and the first part of next week for work. Wish him luck although he doesn’t need it. They are going to kill!!
The boy and I will be left to our own devices…Saturday night I will be attending our street Flamingo party, I’ll be the prego one raging. Whatev…10:30 and I’m pretty much done. Sunday we may take another trip to the zoo with some friends, it is supposed to be nice out and we better take advantage while the weather is bearable. We will see tho.

That’s all I got…peace out.

Pa…We’re officially OLD!!

The hubby and I went on a date Saturday night. I was glorious. It’s been awhile since it has been just the two of us and it was a long time coming. The plan was for dinner then off to an establishment to see a bunch of bands play. Our favorite thing to do. Well…

Dinner was sushi…my favorite except I have had to dial it down with being preggers and all…no raw stuff for me and boy does that limit the menu. The hubby picked out Chi, a new restaurant in the Woodlands; it was superb. Great service, great atmosphere, great vibes and I haven’t even spoke about the sushi yet…YUMO-O, even the baked stuff was delightful. The sushi bar looked inviting but we chose a table instead we will definitely try the bar on a return trip.

After din we headed to the venue, some dive in Spring called JAVA.JAZZ coffee house. I’m expecting ya know…a coffee house. I immediately knew we were in for it when I saw the line outside. Put it this way when the hubby and I were standing in line I turned to him and said if I wasn’t us I would so be making fun of us right now! Why you ask…because the average age of the patrons at this ‘coffee house’ were probably 17-18. Holy smokes! I never felt so old in my life. The bands were young…yes but the headliner Sherwood wasn’t that young and their music isn’t really teeny bopper. Oh well. We still managed ‘in our old age’ to have a good time. We Shoot the Moon was good and so was Sherwood. The Higher was…eh… as was the Matrix…the Magic…whatever some M band that all the girlies lined up to get their picture with.

At one point a few band members were standing next to me and the hubby suggested I turn to one…rubbing my prego belly and ask one of them if they remembered me from Portland. Oh…priceless but I didn’t have the nads.

It was a great night but I think we’ll stick with shows at the Meridian and places like that…my teen years are so over.
Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Week 19

Technically I am halfway through this pregnancy; officially, I will be halfway next week. We are planning June 18th to be Sage’s official birthday, unless he or God have plans for earlier.

Halfway assessment: I get tired really easy. I cleaned the closet last weekend, got rid of my normal clothes and busted out the maternity clothes that will get me through the summer and did all the laundry, come Sunday I felt awful. I knew I had overdone it but dang it…I didn’t want to do anything super bowl Sunday. When I have busy, stressful days at work I go to bed at 8:30, just as soon as the boy is down. The good thing is the nausea has stopped and I’m no longer taking meds for it. I am very greatful for that. I purchased a workout vid I saw in Fit. Pregnancy from Gabby.Reece. I feel like a big lump from not working out and I’m hoping that will give me an energy boost.

Went to my big ultrasound today…the official one where they take a look at all of the organs and anatomy and measure. This of course was done by a tech who couldn’t tell us anything but the obvious or not so obvious, such as a tibia, fibula, kidneys and so on. It was great to see the lil guy again, movin around and I can’t get enough of seeing his little heart beating. I don’t feel him as much as I thought I would, if I would have chronicled my first pregnancy I may have some idea. But the tech said there was still a lot of fluid in there so I may not be feeling him all the time but I will. It looks as if he is trying out for an acrobat team so it is probably a good thing I can’t feel him yet.

Found out an interesting fact…the tech asked if I had had sugar that morning and I told him OJ…love me some OJ. He said that would explain why the baby was so active. I told him I had caffeine (which successfully quit) the last time I had an ultrasound and the lil guy looked liked he was trying to kick out of my stomach. The tech said it was the sugar that the baby was reacting to and not the caffeine. Evidently sugar is immediately transferred and felt by the baby, through the mouth. Good grief…I’m going to have a sugar baby.

My next prenatal appmt is Tuesday so yay, I’ll be able to get the results. He looked beautiful to me. I just can’t imagine what/who is going to look like when he is born.

On to work stuff…good grief I’m busy. We have two ladies out on maternity leave, two of my coordinators in Florida for the launch…PLEASE LET US LAUNCH TOMORROW and I’m getting the sneaking suspicion that everyone outside and inside the organization that can’t get a hold of the person they need is calling me. Well why shouldn’t they…I’m either everyone’s backup, covering or the default. It’s a love/hate relationship. I’m just tired and I really need us to launch and I’m not going to say anymore because I’ve read dooce and I know better than to talk about co-workers on my blog!

Peace out and we’ll catch you on the flip side.