Thursday, February 21, 2008

Pa…We’re officially OLD!!

The hubby and I went on a date Saturday night. I was glorious. It’s been awhile since it has been just the two of us and it was a long time coming. The plan was for dinner then off to an establishment to see a bunch of bands play. Our favorite thing to do. Well…

Dinner was sushi…my favorite except I have had to dial it down with being preggers and all…no raw stuff for me and boy does that limit the menu. The hubby picked out Chi, a new restaurant in the Woodlands; it was superb. Great service, great atmosphere, great vibes and I haven’t even spoke about the sushi yet…YUMO-O, even the baked stuff was delightful. The sushi bar looked inviting but we chose a table instead we will definitely try the bar on a return trip.

After din we headed to the venue, some dive in Spring called JAVA.JAZZ coffee house. I’m expecting ya know…a coffee house. I immediately knew we were in for it when I saw the line outside. Put it this way when the hubby and I were standing in line I turned to him and said if I wasn’t us I would so be making fun of us right now! Why you ask…because the average age of the patrons at this ‘coffee house’ were probably 17-18. Holy smokes! I never felt so old in my life. The bands were young…yes but the headliner Sherwood wasn’t that young and their music isn’t really teeny bopper. Oh well. We still managed ‘in our old age’ to have a good time. We Shoot the Moon was good and so was Sherwood. The Higher was…eh… as was the Matrix…the Magic…whatever some M band that all the girlies lined up to get their picture with.

At one point a few band members were standing next to me and the hubby suggested I turn to one…rubbing my prego belly and ask one of them if they remembered me from Portland. Oh…priceless but I didn’t have the nads.

It was a great night but I think we’ll stick with shows at the Meridian and places like that…my teen years are so over.

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