Yes, I’m starting week four yet again. I started off ok but didn’t stay on track due to mostly the same reasons as the previous post. I am happy to report that I am officially at work and it has been great…WOE wise anyway. I am able to eat my 4 meals without interruption as opposed to being on the road commuting from Clear Lake to Humble to Clear Lake and back to Humble and ending up finally in Clear Lake…yes my life last week. Thankfully we got our power back on Saturday and I couldn’t pack my crap fast enough.
I have to again thank Jodie and Bryan for taking us in…it was a blessing to have a cool roof over our head and they took care of us as any BFF would. After over two weeks of being a nomad I was ready to get home and get things in order.
Now I have to get caught up on my blogging, for myself and the kiddos, I’m behind on their newsletters. Add that to my ever growing to do list.
The hubby’s business is coming along. They worked their asses off last week to get things back up and running. They moved to a new facility while theirs is under contraction; meanwhile, they are having attempting to try and process orders without power…they are an internet company…so not having power is not a good thing. You found them at any given Starbucks around the city trying to work. Crazy stuff man…crazy. Thankfully they too got power back late last week.
Funny story…Last week I was in the car with my oldest (4) and I was listening to talk radio. No, I’m not in my 60’s and I swear I hated it when my Dad used to listed to that crap but for whatever reason I’m drawn to it….yeah…just go with it, don’t try and analyze it.
We were listening to talk radio and whoever was talking about Barack Obama and the boy asked “Who is Barack Obama?” and I asked him who he thought he was and he said loud and proud…”A rock star”. I almost puked all over the windshield. I said you’ve been listening to the liberal media too much and hanging around your father. I then proceeded to explain…to my four year old…that Mr. Obama was the Democratic Nominee for President of the United States and made sure he repeated it over and over. I threw in McCain as well for good measure.
2 years ago