Friday, October 24, 2008

Hoping for the best...Preparing for the worst...

I excercised my 19th Amendment right yesterday and I feel like a big o weight has been lifted off my shoulders. It’s going to get crazy up in here election day and I get to sit back and watch it all unfold and feel proud that I did what I could. At this point I am hoping for the best and preparing for the worst.

This weekend is going to be a jam packed weekend of enjoying the outdoors.

Saturday I plan on taking the kids to ZooBoo to meet up with the Rhodes’ and Nicole along with a few other friends. Saturday afternoon we have our community fall festival that always proves to be a good time. Sunday we will finish up the weekend with the airshow. We have primo VIP passes and I know the boy will LOVE IT! If he isn’t passed out from exhaustion by then. Gotta go find a pair of ear mufflers for the baby.

I received very sad news this morning on the way into work, one of my co-workers passed away during the night. He was near retirment and we had just had a conversation last week about his plans. I am sad he did not have a chance to live out his dreams. He was a good man. Not only was he an interesting bird and he was a fixture in our organization. As I drove by his empty assigned parking place I was saddened by the realization I will never see his blue little truck and him in his 80’s Tom Cruise sunglasses carrying his igloo cooler walking in or going home. Bill…you will be missed.

WOE is going ok. Haven't been perfect but the numbers are still going down. It is still working for me. I try not to get down on myself and think what the numbers would be if I actually stuck with the plan EVERYday. Gah...whatever...numbers are numbers and the less the better. Rock on!

Everyone have a safe weekend and get out and enjoy the weather.

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