Monday, April 09, 2007
I can’t believe I let last week get away from me without blogging. Well, actually I can. There just hasn’t been that much going on and I haven’t been that motivated to write. I didn’t get a chance to run last week because I had to work extra hours at work since I took Good Friday off. The boy’s school was closed so I took the opportunity to potty train him. I won’t go into detail here…but if you are interested you can read The Boy’s blog.

I had planned on running today however I am recovering from a heck of a stomach bug I got yesterday. I have absolutely no energy today. I can’t imagine why…I am almost sure the negative calories I had yesterday and the 300 calories I’ve made myself eat today may have something to do with it. I’m getting there. I have to since I have a race I need to be ready for in a few weeks. Thankfully it is only 2.5…definitely something I can still manage.

Challenge…tomorrow…I blog about actually running instead of why I didn’t!

1 comment:

Pony and Petey said...

Nice to hear from you again and hope you enjoy your run tomorrow

= ))