Monday, August 20, 2007

Starting over...Again.

I mentioned in my last post that taking a few minutes to read a few my running blogs really motivated me to make time for me and running. So...I just did.

I ran today. Ran 1 and walked 1. I didn't have high expectations, I just wanted to get my sea legs out there. Luckily I was able to do a majority of the run under some shade on the 800 meter trail at work. While I was walking I took a moment to stroll down memory lane. This is where it all began last year, mainly because I was intimidated by the long track. I worked up to four miles before I thought myself worthy to run with the big dogs...then I smoked it and got up to 11 miles on the long track. Not to mention that training led to finishing a half marathon.

I took those first steps today again, onto something bigger. Over all it felt great. I'm planning on Yoga tomorrow so I can get a good stretch and if the boy stays in his bed through the night tonight I plan to get an early morning workout as well.

Here's to first steps...


TX Runner Mom said...

Way to go on getting back in the saddle! I'm glad to read that I'm not the only one who has morning workout issues due to the kiddos crawling into our bed!

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...still out of pocket for the Cross Country Relay? :-) :-)


Anonymous said...

It is tough to get going again once you have stopped, but hang in there it will get easier.

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