Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Challenge W1D2

Two miles in 23:04 (3X1), my music crapped out with 400 meters to go but I think it definitely helped over all; the time seemed to fly by. I was by myself this time and it wasn’t so bad. AND I finally tried out the new ear buds that Santa brought and what a difference, crisp, clear quality sound. AND they fit in my freakishly small ears without falling out, something I’ve struggled with foreva…on console the earpiece I wear never stays in my ears.

I got home and commenced with the Shred. OH.MY.GOSH…it kicked my butt, in a good way. It wasn’t crazy tough but tough enough. I love Jillian…but she scares me. Even though I know she can’t “see” me I have this feeling she can and I don’t want her to yell at me so I work that much harder. She would so make me cry.

I took my measurements and weighed, decided not to do pix. No one, even I should have to look at that. EVER!

After my workout I knew the hubby was aching to do something so I suggested he try Jillian’s DVD. I think even he was surprised at how well it incorporated the strength, cardio and abs training. I challenged him to do it with me for the next 30 days. We’ll have to come up with our own reward…yeah baby…exactly what you are thinking!

Technically today is a rest day on the running schedule but I think I’m going to go ahead and bust out the 3 scheduled for tomorrow. My schedule is catawampus because I take the weekends off, for now. I feel good stepping up to three, especially with yesterday’s accomplishment. I’m trying to figure out the interval training program on my Garmin...whatever I did it wasn’t right because the alarm was going off the entire time. I may just wear my other watch until I get the interval training program figured out.

AND finally, I turned down multiple offers of chocolate covered strawberries from Perry’s Italian. MY FAV! YAY me.

Speaking of food...I read Oxygen magazine and found a supurb quick meal recipe. Quick and very filling but not over done. This is most excellent since I won't be eating until later in the evening. I don't recall the name...I shall call him...EZ Pizza.

I'll edit with the exact ingredient amounts and nutrition data...once I find where I put that silly thing.

EZ Pizza

2 slices of Ezekeil bread
1 chicken or Turkey breast (6oz)
Cottage cheese
Parmasean Cheese
Pinch or Oregano
Pinch of Basil

Some Assembly required:

Chicken (sliced)
Cottage cheese

Heat in a toaster oven at 400 for 20 minutes.


I’ll attempt to post my measurements in the next couple of days.

Hasta manana!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Kicking butt! I love Oxygen too. It is my favorite.