Thursday, February 22, 2007

Coming to you from Sunny FL!

I can't believe it is already Friday. Time as gotten away from me as is apparent in my postings. So...going back to Saturday and the Mardi Gras Beach Run.

Galveston was beautiful. The race started at 8:30 which was perfect for those of us who had a bit of a haul to make the race and it also allowed for warmer temps at the start of the race.

Galveston to me is a place that holds a lot of memories. Trips to the beach growing up, Spring Break in high school and the several historical home tours that I shared with my Mom. I've been to other beaches that blow Galveston away but every time I go to that island a bit of nostalgia comes over me. 61st and Seawall...I can't explain the feeling I get at the stop light with the Gulf before me, it's a beautiful sight with the sun coming up and the water seems to be less muddied.

The weather was perfect. The wind was manageable. Jodie and I were "so cute" in our skirts. She in her black and me in my root beer with matching pink shirt with a white long sleeve and gloves. I had to take my gloves off around 2.5.

My goal was for sub 30 time. I don't know what I was thinking because I haven't been diligent with my training. The first mile clocked in at 9:18. FAST (for me). Too fast because at 1.5 I was hurting and I had to walk for a minute. Jodie went on ahead. Mile 2 clocked in at 20:20. Which wasn't too bad, I was on track for a new PR. To finish the race they brought us off the seawall via a small hill and I believe that was the fastest "kick" I've ever had. The small hill DOWN to the finish was awesome. I would like that for every race please. I finished with a 32:39 and a new PR!! No sub 30 but I didn't deserve it, I hadn't worked for it but a new PR was worth it.

The after race festivities were ok. The standard grub, nothing fancy. They did have hot chocolate to warm everyone up a bit. A live band played cajun music and we stuck around for a bit. Then it was off to IHOP for breakfast. A girl in the bathroom said she saw me at the race. I am sure it was the skirt. Jodie and I were the only ones in skirts and we were "so cute"! Overall I would recommend the race. The mardi gras parade starts a couple of hours after the race so it's great for some family fun.

I was back home by noon, put the boy down for a nap and took one myself. I'm looking forward to March...I gots me some work to do.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Congrats on the PR. Sounds like a great day.